[SYSTEM]: Type 'utils' for utility commands [V2]: Use the 'v2' link or type command for easy navigation mode [NEW]: Type 'Jeet' to access the Jeet Checker and see what bags you fumbled [WALLET]: Wallet Analzyer lets you view and ask about a wallet in natural language [COMING SOON]: Telegram Crow Computer Module go live - 2025-01-20 [COMING SOON]: CROW Whitepaper docs [DID YOU KNOW]: $CROW is listed on CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko
operator@crowcomputer:~$ init

                              ____ ____   _____        __
                             / ___|  _ \ / _ \ \      / /
                            | |   | |_) | | | \ \ /\ / / 
                            | |___|  _ <| |_| |\ V  V /  
                             \____|_| \_\\___/  \_/\_/ 

                    Intelligence is Resistance - Terminal v1.0.290

        Role: Operator
        Status: Active & Operational

        Type 'help' and press [ENTER] for available commands...
        Type 'v2' for noob mode or click the 'v2' button...